AdamVsEverything Nov 24 Emote Order. Please use the exact style of the previous emotes you made me. Examples: Details: Brown spikey hair, small spikey chin hair/beard, dark blue eyes. I will be ordering some custom standard emotes, some template emotes, and some animated emotes.

Standard Emotes

01 – A ‘Thumbs Up’ emote. Basically, I have an old emote that I would like simply remade in your style if possible? My old version:   02 – A ‘Thumbs Down’ emote. Same specifications as above. Just copy this one (thumbs down and frown) My old version:   03 – An ‘RNG’ emote of me rolling dice. Again, this was an old emote of mine I’d like remade in your style if possible? Does not have to be exact. My old version:   04 – A ‘lost’ emote. My character looking angrily at a map and being lost, similar to my friend’s emote example here:  please note to NOT use the same clothing he is using, but have the map be upside down like his (north facing down etc)   05 – Your template #37, however, can you make me eating a huge block of cheese instead of melon? 06 –  Your template #358. However, can you make my character wear this character’s hat please? (it is a stream joke) 07 – Your template #320, but can you make the shorts silver, metal, and shiny? (I already have the original blue one, this one is for a higher ‘tier’ for my chat) 08 – Your template #320 again but this time make the shorts made out of gold and shiny 09 – A ‘FacePalm’ emote. Again, this was an old emote of mine I’d like remade in your style if possible? Does not have to be exact. My old version:   10 – A ‘Shocked’ emote. Again, this was an old emote of mine I’d like remade in your style if possible? Does not have to be exact. My old version: 11 – Your template #60 but with my character 12 – Custom emote using my character that is laying in a tear puddle and holding knees. I have a template of this one. Let me know if you can’t do this one.

Animted Emotes

01 – An animated ‘copium’ emote using template #120 Can you make it so that after he breathes the gas he looks happy content? So looks upset then, breathes from the machine and then looks content? 02 –  An animated ‘eye bulge’ using your Template #250 but with my character? The end result should be similar to this link: 03 – Your template #241. The sign should ‘MORE’ and look similar to this link (only using my character instead)   For these next two emotes can you make the character be my orange and white cat? Here is his pictures:   04 – A ‘rabble’ emote. Aries the orange and white cat from above doing this link: 05 – A ‘rolling’ emote. Aries the orange and white cat from above doing this link: